Our top tips for virtual tastings

Right, you’ve got your Pour & Sip box and you’re ready to taste your five delicious drams. Nothing goes better with good whisky than good company. Now it’s time to get your friends together over, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, whatever your preferred mode of video chat, and get tasting them together!
Don’t forget, we host twice-monthly tastings, too! So whether you’re dramming along with us, or with your nearest and dearest, here’s how to make the most of it.
Tasting Set
Luckily, Pour & Sip has got you covered with five specially-chosen drams of whisky, so that’s the really hard part done. You’re also already set with a pair of tapered tasting glasses from your welcome pack, so that’s pretty handy too! Now’s the time to get online and call up your pals for an evening of fun and, of course, whisky.
Each of our boxes come with tasting cards, so you can compare our tasting notes with yours, and then compare your own with your friends. Get the whole gang involved!
Don’t be afraid to have some water on hand for your session! This is your tasting, so you make the choices. Having said that, if you are adding water we would recommend smelling and tasting it at least once before you dilute it. That way you can compare and contrast your dram with and without the additional splash.
If you want to zazz it up a bit, how about trying different nibbles with your whiskies? You can find the perfect pairing, and see which bar snack enhances your dram the best. If you want to add mixers once you’ve tasted it neat, then go for it! Don’t be afraid to play around, and most importantly have fun.
Good vibes
Get that ambiance going! It’s all about the experience, so get some tunes on, dim the lights and get comfortable. We wouldn’t recommend any scented candles or the like though, you want to keep your nose and palate clean. Unfortunately we can’t help you with the wifi connection, so we hope you have a good one.
We love it when you get involved, so share your tasting notes with us using @PourAndSipClub and #pourandsip on Twitter and Instagram! Staying in never tasted so good.
If you want to check out our more in depth how-to taste whisky guide, you can find it here.